Growth Dynamics Get Down

Charlie & Company: Becker School Supplies

Written by Sarah Waple | Apr 29, 2022 4:00:00 PM

In this episode:

The next episode of Charlie & Company Talk Business, Life and Everything In Between is here. Charlie Hauck, president and owner of Growth Dynamics, and Sarah Waple, general manager, spend some time with Paul and Gianna from Becker's School Supplies.  

This conversation discusses sales, the hiring process, school and everything in between. 

Give it a listen and let us know what you think!

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Sarah Waple 0:05  
Hi and thank you for tuning in to this episode of Charlie and company. I am Sarah Waple, General Manager at Growth Dynamics. And on this episode Charlie Hauck owner operator lead trainer do it all extraordinaire of Growth Dynamics and I play host to two guests. Both are from Becker school supplies based in New Jersey, but both have very different experiences and honestly the amount of time they have in sales. So we will have Paul Becker, who, if you can believe it is part of the Becker family, as Becker's is still a family owned business. And Gianna. Gianna is a first year sales associate at Becker's she graduated from college and took a sales job for her first job out of college with absolutely no sales experience. If you're curious how this is going, or why in the world, Paul would have hired someone fresh out of college with no experience. This episode is for you. Give it a listen, let us know what you think. And don't forget to share it and subscribe to our podcasts. Now, without further ado, here we go.

Charlie Hauck 1:18

There are a lot of opportunities for people to say no, when the conversation that we had to hire you. Why didn't you say no?

Gianna  1:26  
Honestly, I just I go where my heart goes. And I just felt the most comfortable. I went on different sales opportunity calls for interviews, and I just, I didn't have that comfortable feeling. And it was more like what I'm saying like cutthroat type of we need this sale, you need to do this, you need to do that, where I like just having conversations with people and seeing where it goes from there. Not more of an aggressive type of

Charlie Hauck  1:54  
so Did it feel more? Naturally you? And the way you like to interact with people?

Gianna  2:01  
Yes, I feel like I could just basically be myself just have casual conversations. And go from there. I feel like I don't need to know everything where a lot of other sales jobs need to know, necessarily some other stuff before going into it.

Charlie Hauck  2:18  
Okay. So, Paul, when you think about the process that we put Gianna through, yeah. What do you remember most? Because I'll admit it. You and I were doing these interviews. And we were pretty far down the road after the first interview on this could be the person we've been looking for.

Paul Becker  2:43  
No doubt. I mean, it really comes down to the right attitude when it comes to sales. If you're going to Yes, everybody out of the gate, and just Oh, no problem. No problem. Well, where it's, I got this and no problem. Yeah, two different things. And, and we didn't we didn't hear that from Gianna, we didn't hear that I've, I've been there before. It's okay. Let me understand a little bit more. How does this work? How does that work? And it goes down the question of, or the road of questions instead of, oh, I got this.

Charlie Hauck  3:23  
What I recall was, it was a conversation. So on both your parts, I think it was a real conversation. I think it was comfortable to get to whatever decision it was. And that was it wasn't we tried to capture you. It was we were comfortable. And it was either going to be a good fit, or it wasn't going to be a good fit. And we were certainly willing to to understand whatever your decision was. So Paul, it was kind of you know, at the time, we were interviewing for a couple of positions, and we had a complete green opportunity blue sky opportunity is what it was and and you chose to go ahead and just say let's let's roll the dice because the territory she's in was covered by someone with a lot of a lot of years experience. So this was it wasn't just new for Gianna, it would have been new for all the people that were used to working with Becker's.

Paul Becker  4:25  
Absolutely, yeah, I mean, if you remember, we would like you said, we were looking in three different states totally different. And we were, we were looking at some reps that had 20 plus years of history really selling some product. Yep. And everything in between, and we weren't against them. They were they were going to fit that mold for us there. But then we came across Gianna, and it just there was no reason to not have the next conversation. And we tried to figure out why not to and then well then There was no other nose. So we went forward one more time. And yes, here she is. It was just a natural fit. We we tried to disqualify her

Yes. Yeah. No, you don't write your waitress that doesn't that doesn't make your you know, well, I understand how people work, you know? And the the question she ends and the answer she gave made it natural to go on to the next level.

Charlie Hauck  5:27  
And I have to say one of the things I can remember when we kind of play that mental movie back, you were you were comfortable being uncomfortable. Is that true?

Gianna  5:39  
I agree. 100%

Charlie Hauck  5:40  
I have to tell you, it was refreshing because it was genuine. And I just thought that all of the sort of preconceived notions of who we had to find. Were there. There were a lot of conditions, I think that we had sort of placed on the on the position. But I think, to your credit, it was but if it's the right person, and it was it was the right person, not the right salesperson, right. It was the right person.

Paul Becker  6:16  
That's what goes back to the attitude. Their attitude was absolutely willing. And, and pretty important here. coachable? Yep, we find out she's a lifelong athlete. She enjoy being coached she, she looked forward, she looked forward to being told what to do and not not in the negative sense. And then the guidance, the guidance sides of it. So when that light went off, it was like, Okay, well, she clearly she's gonna get along with the mentor Charlie's gonna offer and it was another green light. We're looking for those red lights. And we didn't find many. 

Charlie Hauck  6:54  

So what advice would you have for other hiring managers about taking a chance on maybe someone that doesn't fit like Charlie was saying, the picture that you think you're looking for? And, and I say that now, as we've been helping other companies hire and some of the applicants, you get have no experience, but maybe they do take the assessment? Well, so what do you think, has really helped you to kind of get through those almost mental blocks of the quote unquote, right person?

Paul Becker  7:28  
Well, we've hired many people who worked in our industry and had a decade or two of experience. So there weren't two or three years, and they were 10 years and 15 years. And plus, and it turns out that a lot of what they did was because the company was doing it, that they weren't necessarily creating the opportunity. And that's not always that way, there's plenty of really good reps that have moved on or changed their position. So finding someone from the industry helps. But in, in the last couple cases, they they didn't align with what we're doing, they were too far off of our program. So it doesn't have to be you don't have to have experience in the industry. If you have the right mindset, and you're open to the the way the company works, you can fill the right person. So being being Oh, you can fill that position with any person who has the right attitude, being open, being open to the opportunity of of the person, and not their resume or their piece of paper or what they've done in the past. That helps. But if they're agreeable with the right attitude, the and the coachability, those things will bring you further than some old attribute you used to have

Charlie Hauck  8:50  
when you started working. Like you're like, Okay, I'm really on the Becker's team. What was the if there was one thought or one? Oh, no, I hope that doesn't happen. Do you think? Can you think of anything like that, that you were nervous about? Or at least concerned that I don't know what to do if that happened?

Gianna  9:13  
The only thing I really was concerned about is that I didn't know all that much when I started. So if I had a conversation with somebody, I'm like, do I really know the answer, but my go to is, I might not have the answer, but I can go find the answer. So that was a big play word I used to use because I didn't know quite honestly much. Besides I'm Gianna. I don't know.

Paul Becker  9:42  
I'm just finding out who John is. Right? You didn't know product knowledge. You didn't know how a table fits to a chair because demons fit next to chairs. But for a two year old or a three year old or a four year old. It all matters and we still haven't really instilled that in you.

Charlie Hauck  9:59  
I was gonna say Gianna, how much do you know now? It's been not quite a year. A year in the spring right?

Gianna  10:07  
Yeah. Eight months.

Charlie Hauck  10:09  
Is that right? August or May?

That's what you actually hired before you graduated. Correct?

Gianna  10:14  
Yes, in April.

Charlie Hauck  10:15  
Yes. You're very lucky. A lot of people don't do that.

Paul Becker  10:19  
Then for all open discussion here, we actually were trying to hire someone else from your same program. Because how we got to you is we reached out to professors in the area thinking that this could be a good idea. But it was a little bit of a of a crapshoot. And Professor came back and they gave us three names. And one of them on paper fit perfectly. I can't even remember her name now. But it she just had everything you could ever imagine. And we're like, and then there's this Gianna girl.

Charlie Hauck  10:54  
Well, let's fill our listeners in. Gianna, what did you do in college? What what program you have what? Where was Paul reaching out to? It wasn't like mathematics or anything crazy.

Gianna  11:05  
It was business management is what I studied in college. And my teacher, she was actually a statistics teacher, I took her first. I took her for three courses. I really got along with her really well. I used to stay after class. I used to come before class, we just had a really good rapport. Yeah. And I used to always go to her for help. And she actually emailed me, and then she sent me a message on LinkedIn. Gianna, I think this would be a great opportunity for you. I know you and you're very coachable. I know how you are. This is perfect. So I was like, Okay, I'll look into it. And I looked into it. I was like, I could do this.

Sarah Waple  11:44  
And that's so googly eyes.

Gianna  11:47  
That's where, what

Charlie Hauck  11:49  
is so it was just you thought I could do it. It wasn't what you didn't know. It wasn't what you? Oh, no, it's sales. It was just, you just thought that it made sense. Yes. And so you went with your gut? And you said, what? What's the worst that can happen? I don't get the job. Exactly. Okay. And how far? If you think of your impression of what the job you agreed to sign on to? How consistent is that image with what you're doing now? Is it the same job?

Gianna  12:30  
On paper, I guess it kind of seems a little different. On paper, it seemed like, oh, I had to do this many calls a day do this many. But I've come to conclusion with my own, I have my own routine. And I just have conversations, it's not so much like, I must sell this class back. I must get kits, I must do this. It's more, I don't know, wide range of things.

Charlie Hauck  12:55  
But, but it's it's the same job. It's not like, I know a lot of young people take a first sales job. And the image that they're given is this call, in some cases glamorous opportunity, and it's an unlimited opportunity. And you can and then they they get brought in and the next thing you know, they're stuck at a desk for six months. And

Paul Becker  13:21  
we're Robo calling.

Charlie Hauck  13:23  

where's the glamour that you told me? And where's all the excitement and self responsibility? You can exercise? That's not what happened here. This is the job. This is the job. So tell me, let's pretend Paul's not in the room. Okay. How important was it for you to realize that there's pressure, but there's also an understanding of your time your experience, combined with your effort being the real measurable.

Gianna  14:01  
Every phrase that goes to

Charlie Hauck  14:04  
pressure versus expectations. Yeah.

So there's pressure there is but it's not like let's get them in and then grind them up. Correct? Correct. It's show us the commitment. Show us your willingness to do things you haven't done before. Show us your willingness to just go have these conversations. That part of the job is still that's it.

Gianna  14:29  
Yeah, I don't, I can honestly say I don't feel pressured. I just, this is my job. Like, this is what I got to do. That's just how I am like, even with sports, I was like, Okay, you got to practice to be good. You got to practice to get great practice to master something, right? It's just basically to me, it's all just you're practicing. And that's how I learned is by doing rather than just watching. 

Charlie Hauck  14:56  

where are you going down the road trolley of nada resale is your sale. And and the pressure of close everyone that you get close to is is our motto because that's clearly what we're not doing. We find most orders aren't good for us timing, size, color, whatever, right? And it's fine to find out it's not fine. It's the pressure is find out quickly that the order is not for us. So we can move on. Is that the pressure you're talking about? 

Yeah, I think that unrealistic pressure that a lot of sales organizations put on their people that they want, everybody wants more business, let's not candy code that everybody wants more business, everybody wants sales numbers to go up. But there are too many organizations that have the mindset that they want to sell to everybody.

And at any cost, if they close the deal.

Yeah, that the ends justify the means. And what I'm suggesting here is that I think it's it's really part of the Becker's culture, that you guys understand the efforts, the effort, what is what matters. And if we do enough of the right stuff, enough times, there will be enough business. So you don't have to take a salesperson and pressure them to close everything that they encounter. Is that fair to both of you?

Paul Becker  16:32  
100 100%? Yeah, I mean, it's, it's the exact opposite. Help us run away from the bad deals, that's what we want you to close, close the windows, get away from them. So then when you when a good deal comes down the pike, you're open to it, we have time where we're clearly you have an understanding of how it works. And those deals you can make go through the pipeline.

Charlie Hauck  16:57  
So from your perspective, has it been if let's not talk about a person, let's just talk about in general, so from as from your perspective, as a manager, how easy is it to get the people you lead? To let go of that, in a lot of cases, self applied pressure, that they got to close everything that there's a lot of, they're not bad deals, they're just not your deals? How, how hard is it typically to get a salesperson to make that mental shift?

Paul Becker  17:30  
So one point my team was about, including me, 18, strong 18, you know, salespeople in the, in my department? Yep. And some, some of them would really resist it. The answer is yes, I'm a salesman, the answer has to be yes. So you definitely have people that are just against it, and flat out. But then you have some early adopters who says, Wait a minute, I can say no, I'll just say no, I'm encouraged to say no. Like, no is where everything begins. And they picked it up immediately. So you know, like any other human nature, some of the team picks it up and some of the team resists it because they're they think they're in the yes business.

Charlie Hauck  18:14  
Well, so Gianna, before you worked at Becker's and maybe before even got in sales training with us. Do you think you fell into the yes camp? Like, is that what you thought you had to do in sales, to be successful with sell everything and close everything? And now, really,

Gianna  18:36  
just cuz I've watched on the other side, my parents do stuff. And there's plenty of times with mortgages, my dad's like, I have to walk away, okay. And I used to watch him and he, he's like, a little bit different of personality than I am. And he would get annoyed having to say no to somebody, but I kind of, to me, it was realistic saying no to people. And just

Charlie Hauck  19:04  
Because you didn't want to fight with that homeowner, yes, that was never gonna get a mortgage. So that was easy for you. So it so have you ever had a deal or an opportunity where you thought it could go and you talk to Paul? And he's like, Nope, don't do it.

Gianna  19:22  
Honestly, the school setup my first big one that was complete, no. And then I was starting to say the lady, I was like, no, no, we can't do this. Because it was all about pricing. She wanted a certain number. She started at 25. And she was like, okay, 30. And then she was trying to get her 35,000 down to 30. And I was like, No, we can't do that. And basically, I had walked away, probably three times I want to say, and then she came back and said, Okay, we could do it.

Charlie Hauck  19:54  
So because you walked away, you actually had the opportunity. But Paul hasn't killed anything on you where you're like, I know Oh, I can do this. No. All right. mutual agreements. There you go.

Paul Becker  20:06  
Yeah. Yeah, that that one order. We both were like, yeah, it's a big deal at that. That's a big deal. That's that was a no brainer to say. Thank you. No, thank you. Appreciate your time. Best of luck. Let us know if we can help out. And that's basically what we said the first time. And within, I believe the conversation you called me a couple days later, I said, What's going to happen? I said, Give her another day. And if she calls back, great, and if she doesn't, it was never meant to be. It wasn't your deal anyway. Right? We didn't walk away from anything. It was never going to be ours. And she called back. And then she called back again. And we've closed that business and delivered and done all the things we're supposed to. And she's back to not communicating, which is fine, because that's where she wants to be. But yeah, that was that was a heavy No, no,

Charlie Hauck  20:55  
I remember. Yeah. sidelining that one. And you're both in sake, it was really easy to not have that. I can't believe she will do this, or I can't believe he won't let me do that. It was really encouraging to watch the two of you take the same approach to it.

Paul Becker  21:13  
And you had real commission dollars. They were that was your money. That was that was money literally out of your pocket that we were saying no, thanks to that. We don't pay you that. Well, they salary too. So it couldn't have been that easy to say no to, you know, a 30 or 30 Some $1,000 order. So yeah, I mean, that was impressive.

Charlie Hauck  21:37  
Yeah, it was it was encouraging to watch you Gianna take the coaching, and not get too emotionally connected to the potential. And to really like, I don't know that I want to carry that one around, who knows what that's going to turn into if I chase it the wrong way. So it's really interesting to watch that, I'll say, right away that eat the early maturity of you, analyzing that beyond just a commission outcome. So it was really encouraging. So Paul, when you Well, what has your experience with Gianna changed in your mind about the people that fit at Becker's and succeeded Becker's? Or what has it reinforced? If it hasn't been a change?

Paul Becker  22:27  
Yeah, there's, there's no doubt it's, you know, it was always IQ. Now, and you hear this back a couple years ago, it's all about EQ. It's all about EQ. And maybe we've been doing that the whole time. Because we're not this great big monster company that scaling up to half a billion dollars or so we've always wanted somebody who had emotional intelligence, before we even knew it. So now here we are down that road. And it is it's reinforcing what we've always just naturally done that tribal knowledge of the company. So yeah, it's, it's helped us get there. Because again, I've I've gone down the other road with reps that were in the industry on paper, they're perfect. But once you talk to them a little bit, you're always like, hey, well, how they, how they work at that, because they clearly don't have that emotional intelligence, right, that you could see work through not giving a discount or not promising something that we can obviously do that, because that's how they close deals, bigger discounts, bigger promises, that just not going to happen. So yeah, it's it's definitely that's, that's the type of person I'm looking for.

Charlie Hauck  23:46  
John, what if you think of the road from the interview, and whoever that advisor was, yeah, that person's got a lot on the ball. And I'm sure that you're not the only person she has helped. And it's pretty special to know that someone took the time and cared enough and went above and beyond to direct you to an opportunity whether it worked out or not, that's a pretty special relationship. What is it that has been the most pleasant surprise for you through the eight months, nine months of your time at Becker's

Gianna  24:25  
I just feel like I can ask anybody a question. They'll answer and help me out as much as they possibly can. Whereas other companies, they don't want to help another sales rep out. They don't want to see them be like so successful. A lot of people aren't like that. And when I came on, it just felt like home like a actual family and I grew up in a big Italian family. So that's what home feels like to me.

Charlie Hauck  24:52  
That's really interesting. Becker's obviously is a multi generational family company. And sometimes Now that gets a lot of heat because family, small, those buzzwords that used to mean a whole lot can turn people off. Because, like a real family, there's always dysfunction. But it seems different in a family company, you're from a big family, would you say? I don't want to say you were worried about a family owned business? Or would you give advice to other people looking, you know, what would you say to people looking at family and companies, when applying,

Gianna  25:30  
I would say, don't be afraid of them. A lot of people are afraid I agree with that. But you shouldn't be afraid. They're more to me welcoming. Like some of the other companies I was getting interviewed for. I just felt like I was all over the place. Like nobody seemed to care that much. Everybody that you talk to at Becker's they're carrying all through every step, I could call anybody, and they'll answer any question I have, or even walk me through processes of everything, you get that more attention, I guess, okay, from family on company,

Charlie Hauck  26:05  
more people invested, perhaps with the name, then just doing, you know, a time clock in and out.

Paul Becker  26:13  
But, yeah, it's a culture. And you don't have to have a family legacy to have good culture, very true. But it helps it does its money generation, we're in North well into our fourth generation. And it's a nice to have, it's not the reason to buy school supplies, there's many, many other reasons to do it. But if you can keep that culture going through all the non family members, it just makes a good place to work. Life is short, you know, you'll have enough issues. Why, why then have it at work? Charlie, I'd like to jump back to something you were saying about the professor Gianna worked with, it's nice to have a good professor that's looking out for the students. But it's a student that is aware from from class to class and year to year, and they're not in a vacuum. And everything is these blinders on. And I'm just doing my statistics or math or whatever you're you were doing at the time, but you're aware enough to have that conversation, you were open to being friendly to a professor, not because you knew that professor was going to get you a job some day, that was just a natural ability of yours to be friendly and be to be present. So it's really a two way street there. It's not just the professor said, Hey, here's someone there's got it, it's because John was open to that and put herself in that position, there's a lot to be said, for that a lot of people just have their head down, if I do this, and I do this, then everything will work out. And if they, if they look up, they'd see there's many people that are willing to help and be part of the program. If you can slow down and be present, there is slowing it down and being present will help in such an amazing way. You know, just take a deep breath and look around a little bit and most of the time, the answer is right in front of you.

Charlie Hauck  28:16  
Yeah, look, I live my motto is the more you give, the more you get. And that requires interaction from both directions, the giver and the getter. The the real magic of it is when you understand that giving is the first part that's really what you've got to be responsible for, you can't enter into that type of mindset with a getting as the primary. So I think that when you can find those relationships, and they are all around us, but you know, as we've all gone, headphone comfortable, we sometimes miss it. And we don't communicate as easily or as, as often as we might with the people that a lot of people are afraid to offer help because they're afraid to be seen as intrusive, but I think at the core of all of us, there's a desire to make a difference. Not a great big grand difference, not a movement of some import to society, but on a personal level. And I think that to know that that work for someone that that you and I both care about at this point I'm the trainer you're the boss it's really nice to know that that's part of the story and to see that what benefited her in turn benefited backers. And and I get the sense you feel they're really benefiting you. And they've got your future in mind, not just your earnings, not just your results, that there's a real personal feeling about Gianna and it's not just what how good were your numbers last month, and that you feel comfortable with that type of commitment to your success? What, um, if you think back on what they've done to help you, what stands out the most? What are the things that you kind of like if somebody said, John, it sounds like you love your job, right? Let's see, I think it's safe for you to say that. Why would you tell people you love your job?

Gianna  30:21  
That's a tough one. Because there's like a few things. I just, I just love the environment that I'm a part of, like, like I said, I always have questions. And I like being critiqued. Because I want to do everything like the best that I can. Yep. And I feel as though I could ask anybody a question. And they'll always want to help. And I feel like that's important. Because a lot of people are scared to ask questions. I was never one of those people. I used to be like this in class all the time.

Sarah Waple  30:51  
You are the one everyone's like Gianna put your hand down.

Gianna  30:56  
But yeah, a lot of people are just uncomfortable with asking questions. And I just feel like I would tell them come work for where we're at. Because the lads are any question you have. You need help, they'll help you. And that boosts your confidence when you're young. Yes. And you see everybody else who's older than you on like every sales call. You're like, I do. Am I supposed to be here?

Charlie Hauck  31:21  
Well, with that, do you ever feel like you have impostor syndrome? Because you are so young in this? I mean, I will say at times, I feel impostor syndrome with Growth Dynamics. I'm working for a sales agency. And I sold clothes and Taylor Loft when I was like out of grad school, but I'm not out there selling in the traditional way that most of our clients are selling.

Gianna  31:46  
Now, I felt that too, because sometimes I don't I'm like that. They have like 20 years experience. And I'm over here like, I I'm here for eight months,

Charlie Hauck  31:55  
 20 weeks?

I mean, it's a tough place to be. So how do you? How do you work through that?

Sarah Waple  32:03  
I just, I have confidence in myself. I'm not afraid. It's the inner athletic person to me, I was never afraid. I always played with the older kids growing up. So it's kind of always been that way. And I have two older brothers. And I still always hang out with my older brothers, so. 

And did your parents let you will do things. So if you made a mistake, it wasn't a big deal. Like were you allowed given pretty free rein to try and fail? Try and succeed? That's just how you're always been.

Paul Becker  32:39  
Ask me ask me the same question. 

Sarah Waple  32:40  
Yeah, let's ask you. Do you have imposter syndrome?

Paul Becker  32:43  
I'm faking it right now. That's how I feel. I feel. Yeah, I mean, it's such a part of it, I definitely feel like it because I had no formal training, I started right out of high school and sweeping the warehouse floors. And sure I could stock the shelves as good as anybody. But as it went along, you know, here, I'm now managing and, you know, effectively vice president of multimillion dollar company. I think it's fully natural to have some of those self self doubts. Yeah. And I'm working through them.

Charlie Hauck  33:17  
How do you work through yours?

Paul Becker  33:19  
Well, thankfully, I have some really good mentors that I that I can turn to and say, Hey, this is where I am. This is where I'm stuck. I have a few internally for some things. Because I'm, you know, just barely getting through high school, writing some pretty complicated or complex emails get really little squirrely these days, and they have to be done. Right. So So thankfully, I've, I've surrounded myself with people that can help me in different aspects, and then come along Growth Dynamics. And that just fits so perfectly into a professional sales model. I mean, that's, that's, that has been the true difference of going out and try to grabbing any sale any way with any route, any type of method that works at that moment. It's haphazard at best, right? So that process, there's no process. There's the process that works at that moment, and there's no consistency. So how do I get him through impostor syndrome? I work with people that out can help me like Charlie.

Charlie Hauck  34:32  
Yeah, I have to admit, I'm real impressed at the way you and Lewis have really built a network around yourselves. of good people, good business thinkers. You guys aren't hiding from anything. It's really impressive. And, and it's not just hiding from people at the higher levels. You don't hide from the rest of your company. You're accessible to the whole company. And it's just its impact. So the way you're comfortable being who you guys are in that organization and trusting Look, you've got genetic experience, and actual experience there. And people can laugh at that word, but I think it's true in in, in the Bechers world,

Paul Becker  35:20  
you don't need to hire, you don't need to be the smartest person in the room. Just hire, just surround yourself with the smartest people that you possibly can. And be open to it, and listen and be present right back to being present. And when they give you advice, listen to it, and try to absorb as much as you can of it. That's, that's how it works.

Charlie Hauck  35:42  
If there's one thing that you would say, I gotta tell somebody, this about my experience so far, what would it be?

Gianna  35:53  
Don't be afraid, go after your dream.

Charlie Hauck  35:56  
Good. You and I have talked about that from the very beginning. And I love knowing that that's made apart. It's, it's,

well, we tell people about those as you as you sit here sending signals across the table. So what Gianna and Paul and Charlie are all referencing, as we have a saying in Growth Dynamics, and it happens to be on an elastic bracelet, not quite as gaudy as the LIVESTRONG ones that were popular years ago. But they say act as if and Gianna has hers on here. And we have a couple of other clients that wear them very regularly. So you just don't be afraid is the same as act as if you're already there.

Yeah. And that served you well, you've, you've done some great stuff, I love coaching you Thank you for trusting me with your success. Paul, if you look at why it's working, and it's working, I know the company well enough, I, I, you've you trust me with that information, you share it with me. And you asked me to not just look at it, but respond to it. You don't give it to me and say, look at it, but don't no commentary required. You guys asked me for commentary. But if there's one thing that that you think is worthy of a share with the people that will listen to this, give me give me one thought that kind of keeps you on track, keeps your team on track keeps you focused on not just that they're on track now, but that you're comfortable that you can create the future that you want.

Paul Becker  37:40  
Process, having a process a consistent process, over my 30, you know, 2930 years, whatever it is in the sales, it's Oh no, this, we're in a different stage. They're different. This is a this This isn't like an opportunity you've had before. It's like okay, well, what is it? Where are you? And there's, there's there's clearly a buyers prospects process? Yeah, they definitely are coming at you. And they most for most part they want they want, they want the best service at the cheapest price, right? Pretty simple. But how they come at you is, if you can understand it, see it, be president of it, and have your process of how to deal with it, you're going to go through all the stages of the sales process, no matter what you're who's going to control it. You are them. Having a process has changed the way we've looked at sales the last dozen years here. If if if you can get to a process that works for you, and is it Growth Dynamics is it 12 Other ones, there's plenty of good ones out there. As long as you can find something that works for you, and you can implement it, you don't have to be perfect, right? Every time. That's because God knows I am not perfect, and I'm looking for perfection out anyway. That's gonna stop everything. But having a process that you can apply with within reason will set you free.

Charlie Hauck  39:14  
Great information, great attitude. Gianna, thank you, thank you for kind of telling the story and telling it from the part of it that we didn't see. directly, we just stepped in at a certain point. And thank you for the effort and energy that you commit to being the best you can be. If everybody does that the company doesn't have to worry. So thanks for doing your part. Paul, thank you. Thank you for the trust and the confidence that you share with Growth Dynamics, and it has been an interesting ride from the first time we met 10 years ago and all the changes that we've gone through. But thank you for sharing your success and your thoughts about how Becker's keeps it alive year after year. And it's just been a treat working with both of you. Thank you, Sarah, anything you'd like to add?

I just you know, Gianna, you talked about go after your dream and all that so I think we should close with what are the what's the dream?

Gianna  40:20  
Dream is to have my house by 25 That's the dream

Paul Becker  40:25  
2025 Or

Sarah Waple  40:27  
When you're 20 So how much time do we have? How old are you?

Gianna  40:31  
 I'm 23

Sarah Waple  40:32  
You got two years and a half. A year and a half. Year and a half. You heard it here guys. Gianna is having a housewarming party in two years.

Paul Becker  40:43  
I'll bring the fresh fish especially if it's in May we'll be guaranteed

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