Growth Dynamics Get Down

Positive Moment: Change of Scenery

Written by Charlie Hauck | Apr 30, 2020 2:18:04 PM

I knew it was coming, but I did not know when it would actually arrive. Yes, I went back to the office today because working in my bedroom was not cutting it for one more day. My mind had been kicking the idea around for about a week, but I wanted to be a good citizen and remain “lock down” compliant. Finally, I just needed to grab my keys, start the truck and go to work back where it feels normal to go to work.

Please do not read this as a political statement of any kind. It is not. I work in a private office where the rest of the building has been vacant from the first day of the stay at home order. The main tenant is a salon, and they have no idea when the go button will be pushed for them. The rest of the people are sole proprietors like I am, and it seems that they must be cool with the restrictions because I am here all alone. If the conditions were different, I would still be back at home using my windowsill as my stand-up desk.

Today though, I just needed to change the view and the attitude. I went to work, and it feels more like work than any other day since the middle of March. I feel more focused and valuable, and my sense of urgency has returned. Growth Dynamics needs me to be me here in the office doing the things my clients rely on me to do for them. I do not want the cushion of the PPP dollars; I want to earn my living doing what I love to do. Give me the pressure to perform and let me do it at work, not at some makeshift arrangement in my home. And if your circumstances are right, I want you to go to work as well and be your best business self. You need it, I need it and the economy needs it. But do not forget that you cannot put anyone else at risk. That is rule number one. Be safe, be strong, be brave and be responsible.