Growth Dynamics Get Down

What Can You Accomplish In A Week’s Time?

Written by Sarah Waple | Jul 25, 2019 2:19:57 PM

We hear it all when we talk about our High-Performance Sales Program. Our program costs too much money. The potential student doesn’t have the time to go to sales training. I’ve been selling all my life so why do I need your sales training now? I read a lot of books on selling, I’m good with those.

All fine reasons to not to enroll in sales training, if those are true reasons for you. Yet, we need to ask you- what if any of those reasons are more like excuses because you just aren’t sure if sales training is for you?

Here are the basics for our High-Performance Sales Program:

  1. Our cost may sound high to some. We think it is a fair price for all that is offered. At $4995 per person, ask us about multiple student discounts, it breaks down to $89.00 per hour of in-class training. That price drops when you consider the unlimited out-of-class training you are entitled to. Our last session students obtained an additional 20-30 hours of training outside of the classroom.
  2. Our program is 56 hours of classroom training. Can you find four hours once a month to help you shorten your sales cycle and better disqualify your leads? One week of time is what our training comes down to. Think of all of the tasks you accomplish in one week.
  3. Selling all your life? Awesome. You are some of our favorite students. You bring so much to class and have a wealth of knowledge on nearly any selling situation. You are also some of the students who are most greatly impacted by all we offer in class.
  4. We love to read and if you are ever in need of a suggestion- work related or leisure- be sure to ask as we can surely share some titles. However, books are a one-sided experience. You read the words but where is the discourse about what you are reading? Our interactive and intimate sales training allows for each student to bring their real-world examples to class and talk through possible solutions and scenarios.

We will be the first to tell you our program might not be the best fit for you. We want students in class who want to be in class. The worst attendees are ones who are looking to prove the class wasn’t for them.

If any of the information above checked off your boxes for the right fit for a sales training program, let’s talk. If you still have questions on how we do what we do or why we do what we do, we have time for that too. Maybe it will work out and we will see you in class in February or maybe it won’t but we don’t know if we don’t talk about it.

Our next session starts on Feb. 5 at West Chester University Graduate Center in West Chester, Pa. For our full schedule and more information hit the contact us button  below.