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Our Story

Growth Dynamics was founded in 2001 by Charlie Hauck.  After spending eight years working as a Sales Trainer in the Sandler method and 2 years consulting to Ernst & Young, Charlie started Growth Dynamics to deliver his ideas in a more personal way.  Charlie's experience convinced him that successful coaching, training and adoption of new behaviors takes time.

By utilizing a more personal touch in the communication process, greater results can be achieved.  This is the philosophy that drives the firm today.

Growth Dynamics provides business development processes, executive coaching, strategic planning, and personnel assessment tools for its clients.

The team at Growth Dynamics believes our clients success is more important than our own.  We believe in a consistent, hands-on approach to the business challenges our clients are working through, and we always tackle these challenges mindful of the people involved.

Here are some typical clients and reasons they engage us:

  • Business owners that are overwhelmed by the challenges of selling their products or services while also running their business.

  • Sales Directors that are are exasperated that some of their reps are killing it while others are just coasting

  • Hiring managers that are struggling to hire high-caliber business development people

  • Management teams that cannot find common ground on identifying the most pressing issues in the organization

  • Company Founders that have concluded that his or her skillset has reached its limit in leading their organization to higher growth

  • Executives that are overworked by the myriad of priorities and can't gain control

Our Team

Charlie Hauck.jpeg

Charlie Hauck



Sarah Waple

General Manager