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Fast Tip Friday: Activity is King

Aug 16, 2024 7:09:38 AM

Let's talk about the activity part of success. And frankly, yes, we've always got to have the right attitude. If you keep your attitude right, you'll be ready and committed to go out and do enough activity. First of all, you got to figure out how much is enough. It isn't a guess. There is a formula. If you need help with that, you might want to talk to the coaches at Growth Dynamics.

But let's talk about the four parts of activity that we think make up a successful professional business development performers day to day, week to week, performance. First and foremost, prospecting. If you're not prospecting, you're probably watching your business shrink quickly, slowly, I don't know which, but I know it's shrinking if you're not prospecting. And prospecting is whether it's cold calling, tracking leads, getting referrals and introductions, it's not sending mailers out, you got to be more proactive, more hands on. Get committed to enough prospecting activity.

Everybody that's in BD likes the selling piece that's face to face, belly button to belly button with a prospect, talking to them about what it takes to do business and having a business decision conversation, not just some endless conversation about what you might be able to do for them, get your selling down to a focus of making or collecting decisions.

The other thing that really you've got to mind, and I know a lot of organizations have back end account managers, customer service departments, even if you have some of that or none of that, you've got to have service after the sale to validate the promise and the commitment that the person that bought from you believed they were going to get. Servicing is the great equalizer for anybody's business, because it will always create prospecting opportunities. Focus intensely on the amount of servicing and the commitment that you'll make to that activity.

And here's the one a lot of people don't think about. Put learning in as a measured activity in your day to day performance. Try to learn one new thing a day, learn one thing you need to unlearn and relearn, and then figure out what you need to get from where you are today to where you want to be in your career, and what do you need to learn to make that transition.

So get your activity in order. Nothing happens till you start doing. Get your prospecting engine started. Commit to professional selling approaches. Not a bunch of random feature and benefits show up and throw up stuff. Service like your life depends on it, because basically, your business life does, your reputation does, and then always be learning. You can always get better at what you thought you were great at yesterday, but you've got to commit to make that happen. Fast Tip Friday activity is king. Get it done, keep it going. Have a great weekend and jump out of bed ready to run out the door and get started next Monday. Thanks.