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Fast Tip Friday: Embrace Creativity

By Charlie Hauck on Oct 11, 2024 6:15:00 AM

Hey everybody, welcome back to Fast Tip Friday. I'm Charlie Hauck, President, Lead Trainer, Founder, and Partner at Growth Dynamics.

Topics: mindset
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Fast Tip Friday: Master Your Craft Like the Greats

By Charlie Hauck on Sep 20, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Hey everybody, I’m Charlie Hauck, President and Founder of Growth Dynamics. You might know me as a lead trainer, troublemaker, and even a record collector! That’s right—record collector. It’s not something you usually hear from me, but today, I want to share a personal side of my life and connect it to business development.

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Fast Tip Friday: Mindset for Success

By Charlie Hauck on Aug 9, 2024 7:10:22 AM

I just wanted to go back to a couple of basics... I think it's always good from time to time to just take a moment, instead of thinking how far we've come or where we are, we should look back at where we started.

Topics: mindset
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Fast Tip Friday: Be Consistent at the Right Things

By Charlie Hauck on Jul 12, 2024 7:00:00 AM

One of the things that I hear from all of the people that I coach and all of the management/leadership that I interact with, is they're looking for consistency.

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Fast Tip Friday: Don't Let Optimism Kill Your Success

By Charlie Hauck on May 17, 2024 7:00:00 AM

This is one I think I've touched on before but for some reason it's stuck in my mind and it's another good time to bring it up again. If you're driving, if you're riding a bicycle, if you're running in the trails, in the woods, it's always true, and I think a lot of people would agree with me that the potholes that create the most problems are the ones you don't see until you hit them.

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Fast Tip Friday: Have a Successful Q2

By Charlie Hauck on Apr 5, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Look, we've just entered into the first few days of Q2, quarter two of 2024, and I always liked specific things on the calendar to trigger different thoughts and processes and times to reflect on what you're going to do to increase your viability and success as you move forward throughout the year.

Topics: goals mindset
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Fast Tip Friday: Activity VS Progress

By Charlie Hauck on Nov 17, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Hey, everybody, Charlie, Hauck with another Fast Tip Friday. You know the drill! If not, go and watch/read a bunch more of them and you'll get the rest of the answers about who I am and why I'm here. Today's topic, activity and progress are not the same. As I think of the year I've had, it's been a good year here at Growth Dynamics, and buy and large, all my clients have had good years.

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Fast Tip Friday: You Are Better Than You Realize

By Charlie Hauck on Oct 27, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Time for another Fast Tip Friday! Today's topic is a head game topic, which are really always my favorite part of business development and personal development. It’s knowing what head game you've got to play with yourself to get where you want to go.

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Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable To Get Decisions

By Monday Morning Manager on Oct 9, 2023 7:00:00 AM



When Kathy hired Everett, a former user of her company's products, she thought she had finally found someone who could easily penetrate her market. Everett came from the industry and had been a devoted user of Kathy's products in his role as a product repair specialist. When Everett told Kathy he wanted to make the jump from user to salesperson for her product line, she thought it a great idea and immediately offered him a position. 

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Podcast: The Voices Inside Your Head

By Monday Morning Manager on Sep 18, 2023 6:45:00 AM



Kathy is frustrated after a recent sales call. She believes if she was brave enough to ask about certain things, the call would have gone her way. It seems like she is constantly on defense and that the client is intentionally "pushing her buttons". Despite her training, it felt like she was always reacting to every little thing that was said rather than thinking about what was really going on. How can she find a way to consistently act like a professional on the call?

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