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Fast Tip Friday: Are You Willing to Walk Away?

By Charlie Hauck on Jun 7, 2024 7:50:00 AM

This is one of the core concepts that we think is essential in successful business development, and frankly I think it's an element that's critically important for all kinds of communication, no matter what you're doing.

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Podcast: STOP Making Sales Calls

By Monday Morning Manager on Apr 29, 2024 7:00:00 AM



You just realized that you sell a commodity, and all that feature and benefit propaganda the Research and Development specialists fed you sounds exactly like the competitor’s features and benefits. Now you must find a way to re-invent yourself so that you are not just another “me, too” person trying to schedule a sales call here, there, and everywhere. The more you dial and ask to schedule that sales call the less agreeable people seem to be. You share some quick hitters about your “proprietary applications” and still you feel left out and frustrated. What does it take to get decision makers to want to put you on their calendar?

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Podcast: Name the Meeting

By Monday Morning Manager on Nov 13, 2023 7:00:00 AM



Bob was exhausted after seeing over 15 accounts in the past week. He had talked about football, politics, family and even some industry news in order to get the client engaged in a conversation that might give him an opening to pitch his latest and greatest widget.

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Fast Tip Friday: Unlock Trust in Sales with the Right Questions

By Charlie Hauck on Nov 3, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Hey, welcome to another Fast Tip Friday from Growth Dynamics! This is Charlie Hauck, lead trainer, founder, sharing some information and some concepts to our clients and anybody else that gets to access this little video clip.

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Podcast: Talk About Their Business

By Monday Morning Manager on Jun 5, 2023 7:00:00 AM



After having been in the same role for over 5 years, Ted was stuck. "What else can I talk about with these people that we haven't gone over all ready?" was the question Ted kept asking himself (with no answer) after he did a review of his clients. He knew he didn't want to be the pesky salesman that just made a meaningless follow up call, or who stopped in to drop off donuts and see what orders might be around to pick up, but he was also very aware that his manager expected him to keep growing the territory and expanding the accounts.

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Fast Tip Friday: Focus on Opening

By Charlie Hauck on Apr 28, 2023 6:45:00 AM


Hey, I wanted to tell you that part of our business offering, here at Growth Dynamics, is to support the best possible outcomes in hiring talent. For our clients out in the marketplace, we work with a lot of different people to help them find the best available talent to add to their business development teams, sometimes to their executive teams.

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Podcast: Promote Your Prospects to Deputy

By Monday Morning Manager on Jan 30, 2023 6:45:00 AM



Most of Mike's potential accounts seem to be unable to make a decision on their own regarding his service. They claim they have responsibility, listen to his presentation, but then let him know there are "others" who have final decision-making authority. He is frustrated by this situation and usually just makes his presentation, anyway, hoping for the best. As a result, his closing ratio is poor and his sales cycle is exceedingly long.

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Fast Tip Friday: Sugar Does NOT Sell

By Charlie Hauck on Dec 9, 2022 7:00:00 AM



Hey, welcome back. I've got a little challenge for some of you out there that are in the business development world, that think it's your job to get your prospects or suspects so excited that they can't say no to your offer.

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Podcast: Stop Making Sales Calls

By Monday Morning Manager on Oct 3, 2022 6:45:00 AM



You just realized that you sell a commodity, and all that feature and benefit propaganda the Research and Development specialists fed you sounds exactly like the competitor’s features and benefits. Now you must find a way to re-invent yourself so that you are not just another “me, too” person trying to schedule a sales call here, there, and everywhere.

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Podcast: Joint Calls with Bosses

By Monday Morning Manager on Aug 1, 2022 6:30:00 AM



Like many business development people these days, Robin won't be going on her appointments tomorrow by herself. This time she is bringing Rich, and he is the VP of Sales from one of her largest vendors.

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