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Fast Tip Friday: Know Your Worth

By Sarah Waple on Nov 15, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Hey, this is John with Growth Dynamics, and I wanted to share a quick tip for Fast Tip Friday: Know your worth.

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Podcast: Act As If

By Monday Morning Manager on Nov 4, 2024 7:00:00 AM



Forget desperate housewives. What really scares buyers are desperate salespeople. How many times have you run into a salesperson that is not in sales for the love of the game, or to be the best at what they do? They act as if they need a sale to pay their bookie by Friday! Buyers have come to loathe this fast talking, pushy pitchman stereotype.

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Podcast: Talk About Money!

By Monday Morning Manager on Jun 3, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Matt hung up the phone after the bad news and couldn't believe that he had been beaten again because of his price. Knowing that he was not the lowest price on the block, he had given the prospect his best consulting expertise up front in an attempt to build his "value proposition", and then tried to save the money discussion for the end so as not to scare them away too early. He even voluntarily offered a 10% discount and some favorable terms in an attempt to win them over. After-all, it did seem like a lot of money they would be spending. 
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Fast Tip Friday: Protect Your Mindset and Succeed in 2024

By Charlie Hauck on Mar 1, 2024 7:00:00 AM

It's not that late in the year… it's 2024, we're right at the end of February/first day of March basically, so I just wanted to throw a couple ideas out there to remind you to stop once again, make sure you've committed to what your goals are for this year and to think about all the different things that could happen, that might influence or impact how successful you are at accomplishing those goals.

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Fast Tip Friday: Give Yourself a Chance to get Rescued

By Charlie Hauck on Feb 2, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Hey everybody,  a couple of weeks ago, I talked to you about turning goals into reality. Actually having those goals accomplished and seeing how the goal, the plan, the strategy, the tactics all connected in a process so that you get more predictably realize the success that you dream about.

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Podcast: But I Don't Know Anything

By Monday Morning Manager on Nov 27, 2023 7:00:00 AM



No one told Melanie that she would be making calls on her own just two weeks after she started working at Quality Stuff, Inc. When she first began, her new manager said she would do ride-alongs for at least a month and then be slowly let off the leash to contact customers by herself. But that plan went out the window this morning when Melanie found out her mentor had called in sick and she was expected to keep an appointment and fly solo with a very important customer.

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Fast Tip Friday: Greatest Hits - Outlook Creates Outcomes

By Charlie Hauck on Sep 1, 2023 7:00:00 AM


Hey, welcome back, it's Charlie Hauck, President, CEO, and head trainer at Growth Dynamics. Here is another one of our Friday Fast Tips. Today we have a quick lesson on business development execution.

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Podcast: Are Your Beliefs the Real Roadblock?

By Monday Morning Manager on Jun 12, 2023 6:30:00 AM



The last quarter’s sales numbers were posted online for the entire sales team to review. There was no hiding once the sales manager sent the email out to his entire team, and Darren hated seeing his name in the lowest 25%. What made him more confused was that he had been with the company for 14 years, yet three of the top five producers had less than half of his experience.

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Podcast: Take Complete Ownership

By Monday Morning Manager on Feb 6, 2023 6:30:00 AM



Jerry was having a year that was slightly ahead of last year, but he was frustrated that he wasn't doing as well as he thought he could be or should be. Although he had taken some sales training and learned some unique words, phrases, and approach tactics, he felt like he was struggling to say and do the "right" things when it came to managing his activities and sales calls. He wondered what he needed to change so that his daily work became more natural, fun, and productive.

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Podcast: Person VS Performance

By Monday Morning Manager on Jan 23, 2023 6:00:00 AM



Fully dressed in his umpire gear, Gary was behind the plate calling the 3rd inning of his son's little league baseball game. The kid on the mound was so good he was picking apart the corners of the plate on almost every pitch. Although Gary was calling them the way he saw 'em, there were so many close calls that it didn't take long for the parents and the bleacher crowd to start riding him with the usual insults, heckles and personal attacks.

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