Thank you for following along over the past year! We look forward to continuing in 2024!
Fast Tip Friday: Pick an Epic Journey
By Charlie Hauck on Dec 1, 2023 7:00:00 AM
Hey, I'm not in a collared shirt today. I typically would never do a fast tip Friday or a business thing in a t shirt, but I just thought that my topic today reminded me of a journey I was on six years ago with a friend. I am wearing a t shirt that is for the great Allegheny Passage.
Fast Tip Friday: 2023 Mid-Point Review
By Charlie Hauck on Jun 30, 2023 7:00:00 AM
We're right there. We're staring it right smack in the eye. It's halftime of 2023, June 30th, the end of the first six months. You should be starting to think about, kind of a sports analogy, we're at halftime, or if you're in a racetrack, we're halfway around the course.
Fast Tip Friday: The Power of Good Music
By Charlie Hauck on Mar 3, 2023 6:45:00 AM
Look, business development is hard, it's really hard. Some days, frankly, we have so much going on, it's not just that you get a new client, but you've got to service new client.
Fast Tip Friday: Understand Urgency
By Charlie Hauck on Feb 10, 2023 6:45:00 AM
Charlie Vlog: 5 Points for the End of the Year
By Charlie Hauck on Sep 23, 2021 3:03:20 PM
When an injury causes trouble with typing, your vlog.
A Simple Reminder for the New Year
By Charlie Hauck on Jan 3, 2019 3:04:46 PM
Holiday Shopping: Invest in Some Good Reading
By Charlie Hauck on Nov 22, 2018 7:52:32 AM
I just thought I’d share a list of books I’ve read or have started that might make good Holiday gifts for the person in your life (that could be YOU) that believes in personal and professional development. Some are familiar titles and are probably already checked off your list, but some are books you might not be on your radar. Cyber Monday is coming so shop early and load up on some powerful ideas.