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Podcast: Why Do You Have to Guess What They Want?

By Monday Morning Manager on May 13, 2024 7:00:00 AM




With her best customer looking for something creative to solve his inventory issues, Ginny realized that none of her immediate ideas sounded likely to impress the customer.

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Fast Tip Friday: Focus On Opening (Greatest Hits)

By Charlie Hauck on May 10, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Hey, I wanted to tell you that part of our business offering, here at Growth Dynamics, is to support the best possible outcomes in hiring talent. For our clients out in the marketplace, we work with a lot of different people to help them find the best available talent to add to their business development teams, sometimes to their executive teams.

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Podcast: STOP Making Sales Calls

By Monday Morning Manager on Apr 29, 2024 7:00:00 AM



You just realized that you sell a commodity, and all that feature and benefit propaganda the Research and Development specialists fed you sounds exactly like the competitor’s features and benefits. Now you must find a way to re-invent yourself so that you are not just another “me, too” person trying to schedule a sales call here, there, and everywhere. The more you dial and ask to schedule that sales call the less agreeable people seem to be. You share some quick hitters about your “proprietary applications” and still you feel left out and frustrated. What does it take to get decision makers to want to put you on their calendar?

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Podcast: Are You Collecting Stamps?

By Monday Morning Manager on Mar 25, 2024 7:00:00 AM


Charlie had been working with a long-time client and just can’t believe why some meetings could really get under his skin. Charlie left angry with this client’s attitude towards him, the ability to waste time like it was nothing and at times complete disrespect for Charlie and his process.

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Fast Tip Friday: Quit Getting Ready to Get Ready

By Charlie Hauck on Oct 13, 2023 7:00:00 AM

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Fast Tip Friday: The Emotion That Sticks With Us

By Charlie Hauck on Sep 22, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Hey everybody, Charlie Hauck, founder, President, partner at Growth Dynamics, here for another one of those amazing Fast Tip Friday topics!

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Fast Tip Friday: Act As If

By Charlie Hauck on Aug 18, 2023 7:00:00 AM

Hey, everybody, Charlie Hauck, Growth Dynamics, president, trainer, all that kind of good stuff. You know, we all look for validation one way or another. Somehow, some way, we like to see that the things we're thinking, other people are thinking, and in my business, I love to find out that I'm aligned with some of the great business minds that are out there, the people that kind of lead the way on performance.

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Fast Tip Friday: Don't Just Say It, Prove It

By Charlie Hauck on May 26, 2023 6:45:00 AM


Hey, it's beautiful out there, it's sunshiny, it's time to go out and enjoy life, and the best way to enjoy life is to be able to afford what it is you want to do that you enjoy doing the most. So I'm going to talk about something here that I think will help you succeed in living your best life, living your fullest life.

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Fast Tip Friday: What Matters Most in Business Development?

By Charlie Hauck on May 19, 2023 6:45:00 AM


Look, I've been in this business for 35 years, on the coaching and training side. I've spent the better part of 15 years prior to that, when I was about 14 or 15, “selling” my lawn care, cutting neighbor's lawns,  and doing work for my mom's real estate office.

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Fast Tip Friday: Fortune Favors the Bold

By Charlie Hauck on Apr 14, 2023 6:45:00 AM


Another installment of Fast Tip Friday! Sometimes the ideas, I don't know where they come from. I stand in front of a camera and do these recordings. I like the challenge. I like the pressure of having to come up with a thought and articulate an idea.

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