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Fast Tip Friday: Stop Selling & Watch Your Business Grow!

By Charlie Hauck on Feb 7, 2025 7:00:00 AM

Today, I wanted to get a little more tactical, especially as I think about the things we're all trying to accomplish—how we're working to advance our careers in business development. I wanted to share something because I keep running into a particular word that drives me crazy when I hear it from clients or prospects who are looking to improve their results.

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Fast Tip Friday: Mastering Team Selling

By Charlie Hauck on Oct 25, 2024 7:00:00 AM



Today, I want to bring up a topic that I don't think enough people discuss before it becomes a problem: how to manage team selling effectively.

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Podcast: 15 Years of Experience

By Monday Morning Manager on Jul 24, 2023 7:00:00 AM



Bob found himself staring blankly at his calendar. The year was nearing an end and the speed with which the year had flown by surprised Bob again, just like it had each of the last 15 years, since he had started in this business.

Topics: podcast sales
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Podcast: Your Price Is Too High

By Monday Morning Manager on Jun 26, 2023 7:00:00 AM



One of the most common objections salespeople get is about price: "That's a bit more than we were thinking about paying." "Your prices are kind of high." "That just doesn't fit our budget" are typical comments.

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Podcast: Hit Your Prospecting Goal In Target Time

By Monday Morning Manager on Jun 19, 2023 7:00:00 AM



As a newly hired sales manager for a medical equipment company, Devin inherited a large and under performing sales team. The team included the usual cast of characters: a diva who never took the blame for her results, a home run hitter who really struck out more than he connected, a Steady Eddie who was unspectacular but reliable, four or five people that seemed to confuse activity with productivity and a couple of truly high performers who annoyed everyone else with their consistency.

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Podcast: Talk About Their Business

By Monday Morning Manager on Jun 5, 2023 7:00:00 AM



After having been in the same role for over 5 years, Ted was stuck. "What else can I talk about with these people that we haven't gone over all ready?" was the question Ted kept asking himself (with no answer) after he did a review of his clients. He knew he didn't want to be the pesky salesman that just made a meaningless follow up call, or who stopped in to drop off donuts and see what orders might be around to pick up, but he was also very aware that his manager expected him to keep growing the territory and expanding the accounts.

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Podcast: Sales Does Not Have to be Unpredictable

By Monday Morning Manager on May 22, 2023 6:45:00 AM



Sally and Sanjay were comparing notes after a very busy week out selling. Sally was exhausted, but at the same time pretty satisfied that her week was highly productive and would produce some nice revenue for the company and herself. Sanjay, on the other hand, was exhausted and uncertain about what actually happened to him and what success he created.

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Fast Tip Friday: What Matters Most in Business Development?

By Charlie Hauck on May 19, 2023 6:45:00 AM


Look, I've been in this business for 35 years, on the coaching and training side. I've spent the better part of 15 years prior to that, when I was about 14 or 15, “selling” my lawn care, cutting neighbor's lawns,  and doing work for my mom's real estate office.

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Podcast: Bill of Rights

By Monday Morning Manager on Mar 13, 2023 6:45:00 AM


We have been taught that the customer is ALWAYS right, no matter what. What if we told you that you have rights as the seller as well.... Here is YOUR bill rights.

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Fast Tip Friday: Sugar Does NOT Sell

By Charlie Hauck on Dec 9, 2022 7:00:00 AM



Hey, welcome back. I've got a little challenge for some of you out there that are in the business development world, that think it's your job to get your prospects or suspects so excited that they can't say no to your offer.

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