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Fast Tip Friday: Mindset for Success

Aug 9, 2024 7:10:22 AM

I just wanted to go back to a couple of basics... I think it's always good from time to time to just take a moment, instead of thinking how far we've come or where we are, we should look back at where we started.

I want to remind everyone what's the most important part of getting where you want to go, and from our perspective at Growth Dynamics, it's always mindset. That's your attitude... and let's talk about it. If you're going to have an attitude, you might as well make it a good one. But you also ought to know what are the components that will help you keep and maintain your attitude where you want it to be, to have as much success and to feel as empowered as you can feel.

So let's just remind ourselves of self limiting beliefs. A lot of times, self limiting beliefs are the excuses that other people have made because they can't get where they want to go, and they want you to have the same lack of success that they have, so they try to tell you to believe the same things that got them stuck. Their success, barriers, procrastination, fear of failure, fear of success, overwhelming need for approval, inability to be accountable, lack of commitment, lack of goals, afraid of the word no, if that's a problem and you know it, you need to sit down with your coach or a mentor and get some head help to get you over your success barriers.

The last two kind of go together, self esteem and self concept. Self esteem is how much you like yourself. If you're truly not your best friend, you're probably not going to want to do a whole lot for somebody you don't like. If somebody treats you bad, talks bad about you, you're not going to work for them. You're not going to want to help them succeed. Well, if you don't mind your self talk and make it positive, you're probably going to have a friend you need to improve a relationship with. And lastly, a self concept you are making what you think you're worth and not a penny more. If you want to be worth more, act like it and watch the investment come back 10 fold for the effort and energy that you put into it.

Let's go where you can have the biggest impact on growth and improvement in any part of your life, get your mindset where it needs to be, manage it, maintain it, and learn how to grow it. That's your Fast Tip for this Friday. Have a great weekend and get ready to go like crazy next Monday! Take Care!

Topics: mindset