Hey, this one's a little bit personal, since it involves someone very important in my life and in Sarah Waple's life as well. I just wanted to use this Fast Tip Friday to send a shout out to all the people that are in the back room.
Those of you who, like the Growth Dynamics team, are out here doing the work front and center in front of our clients and prospects every week, there's a group of people that do everything they can to make it possible for us to do everything we have to do in our professional lives.
I can't go another week without taking time to mention how much I appreciate those people in my life, and one person in particular. So today, i'm hoping all of you will celebrate with me the fact that my wife, Patty Hauck, will be retiring from the world of oncology nursing, after 44 years in the trenches, doing the work that a lot of people won't do. Doing it without asking for any recognition or any thanks. Just doing everything in her power to help people who are in sometimes the worst state they ever thought they'd be in, to help them get through that time and experience with their dignity and as much health and good feeling as they have left in in the lives that they they know are dwindling away. So next Tuesday, June 13 Patty will be retiring from full time employment.
No one deserves it more than she does. She has worked tirelessly through the ups and downs of my personal career, the ups and downs of raising two children, the ups and downs of taking care of parents as they were aging and passing on, and Patty is just an absolute champion at doing the things that let you know you always have backup and support, and that she's always there to let you know that um whatever your struggle is. Her struggle is never too big to take time to focus on you.
So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything for all these years, Patty. Thanks for being there. Thanks for the love, the care, and this support. And I can't wait to have more of your time myself.
Thank you to everybody for checking out this version of Fast Tip Friday, and do yourself a favor this week, go home and hug those people that have made such a big sacrifice so that we can do the things that we love to do.
Tell them how much you love them, don't go another day without it You'll never know when it's the last and we'll all feel better for it Thanks again. Take Care.