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Fast Tip Friday: Time, Intentions, and Setting Up for 2025

Dec 6, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Hey everybody, welcome back! It’s Fast Tip Friday time, Charlie here. You know who I am, you know what I do, and you know why I’m here. So, let’s talk about something that’s right around the corner: the holiday season. As we stare down the calendar, it’s getting closer and closer every day—Christmas is almost here. I want to ask you a couple of questions, and I want you to really think about the answers. Use those answers to help you figure out what you might need to do differently in 2025.

The first question is simple: Is this holiday going to be everything you want it to be? And by that, I don’t just mean, “Did you get everything you wanted from your loved ones?” or “Were there enough presents under the tree?” Look, I love the holidays, but I think the most important thing we’re all working for is the opportunity to spend time with the family and friends we care about the most. I want to see everyone enjoy this holiday to the fullest, with the least amount of stress, and with a sense of calm and satisfaction about where they are in life and what they've accomplished in the last 12 months.

Before we walk down those steps on Christmas morning to see the joy of the gifts that really make the holiday special, I want you to ask yourself: Did you make this year as awesome as you could? If not, what are you willing to do in 2025 to make next year so great that you can put your feet up and say, “You know what? I did kick butt this year. I got it done. I can afford to give everything I want to give to others—and sometimes, to give what I need to give to myself as well.”

So, that’s my first question: Is this holiday everything you wanted it to be? And are you willing to do whatever it takes to make next year’s holiday everything you want it to be?

The second question is, have you ever actually thought about what you want your holiday to be? Do you really have a definition of it? And I think that’s a bigger question—not just for the holidays, but for your life in general. It’s not just Christmas coming up; it’s the New Year, too. When you’re younger, New Year’s resolutions seem like a cool idea, but as you get older, we tend to dismiss them or see them as a waste of time. But here’s the thing: Are you truly willing to make those resolutions? Are you ready to make the changes you need to get out of your own way so that you can maximize your potential in the future?

As you sit down and think about what you’re going to get for Jimmy, Johnny, Betty, Susan, and everyone important in your life, also think about the opportunities you’ve created for yourself. Personally, I’m not comfortable getting presents from people. I love being able to give gifts, but the gift I appreciate most is spending time with the people I love and care for the most.

So when you look at your calendar and see the upcoming events, make sure you carve out time for the people who matter most to you. Give them the gift of your time and attention, and be present when you’re there. Make that the present you give them. I promise you, that will be more rewarding than anything wrapped in paper.

Thanks for letting me get a little personally philosophical there. Have a great holiday season, enjoy the time and experiences with your family, and get ready to tee up a great 2025!

Topics: holiday