Yeah, look behind me. That's my neighborhood right there. There's a whole bunch of people I don't know, but frankly, there are a bunch of people in there that I did know. My wife's grandparents, and friends, some parents of friends. This is one of the local cemeteries here in West Chester, PA.
My guess is you're probably wondering, Charlie, you do some crazy stuff, but why are we talking about a graveyard for a Fast Tip Friday. Here's my message, today, it's the second month of the year. It's hard to believe that it was New Year's Eve not too long ago. I just want to reinforce for everybody that our time does not go on forever. It's over before we know it, and sometimes it's over long before we ever expected it to be over. So before you find yourself in my neighborhood, my advice to you, if you're in business development, is to understand a sense of urgency. Do not wait until next year to hit your goals, do not wait until next year to make your year the best year you've ever had. So, when you're ready to get it done now, to decide that this is the year, this is the time that you can do your best work, take your most risks, be bolder, be more committed than you've ever been. That's what I want you to think about.
Our time is limited. Our time from now until you don't want to work anymore is limited. And I'd like you to be in control of when that outer date is and when you can say I'm done because I want to be done, not because I'm dead.
So look, it's kind of a morbid reference today, but I really want people to go full hog into 2023 and look at making 2023 your best year ever. Because before we end up back there, there's so much life to live, so much time to enjoy, so many experiences to have, than if you wait until it's the right time, there's a good chance it's never going to happen. That's my my plea to everybody - get up off your butts, make a plan, set some goals, think about how you're going to do it strategically, and have the best year you could ever have this year and every year after. Thanks for listening. Take care, go make money.