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Fast Tip Friday: What Keeps You Going?

Aug 2, 2024 7:00:00 AM

Welcome back to this week's Fast Tip Friday topic. Today, as I am sitting in this office recording this video for everybody, I've got on the latest Hawaiian shirt that I purchased.

I got this Hawaiian shirt in Vermont if that isn't crazy enough, but I like to wear the shirt because it reminds me something that's very important to me. I love knowing when my next vacation is coming up! I love knowing that I have a big event, a big dream, a big personal opportunity to enjoy the success that I've created with the team and the people that we serve at Growth Dynamics, and so this Hawaiian shirt reminds me to regularly know why I'm working, why I'm willing to work the hours that I work, put in the travel that I travel, because if I do it all and I service the people that we've made commitments to service, I know the rewards will be there and I'm gonna be able to look at my calendar and see a nice vacation late in the spring next year of a week to 10 days in Hawaii with my wife. And that's why I wear a shirt like this, even if it is in the winter. Sometimes just out of character for the season, but it's never out of character for my mind and keeping me focused on why I'm working and why I'm willing to do the things I do to help my clients succeed, to help them make more revenue, and to make Growth Dynamics as financially healthy and successful as it can be.

So give yourself a little reminder, put on a shirt, play some music, eat a meal from where you wanna go next on vacation to remind yourself it's right there if you're willing to put in the work, but every now and then we need a little mental and emotional support. I put mine on my back and wear it proudly, take care have a great weekend.