Did the vague headline pull you in? What are we managing and what are we improving? At times it feels like all life is made up of managing and trying to improve something while dealing with constant change.
In our case we are talking about managing and improving you and your processes. The thought came from a Forbes article we stumbled across while looking for the reasons why people should set goals. You can read that article here and give thought to the saying "you can't manage what you can't measure and you can't improve what you don't manage."
With the end of 2019 winding down- as of today there are only 41 days left- the talk about resolutions, goals and making 2020 all it can be will be equally ticking up. So why should you participate in setting goals and how can you make this year different?
Here are our top five ways we think you can benefit and thrive with your goal settings:
1. Make them visual.
So many times people set goals or resolutions simply by saying them out lout or maybe typing them on a document, email or note in their phone and then move on. This tends for the goals to be hard to achieve when you can't see them every single day. This year be sure to display those goals and resolutions in a location, or locations, where you can see them every single day. Keep your goals for 2020 at the forefront of your mind though the entire year.
2. Let others know about your goals.
Piggybacking off of No. 1 when you make your goals visible to others they can help hold you accountable. If you have goals set up for yourself, or perhaps as a family, and those you trust can ask you how you are doing to achieve them you will probably want to have positive updates to share.
Even more when you share your goals with others they can be more invested and more likely to help you achieve your goals.
3. Set up your plan to achieve your goals
Don't just write down large broad statements- I want to get in shape, I want to make 40K more this year, I want a find a new job- but come up with a plan at the start of the goal. Looking at the entire goal at one time can make it feel unobtainable, especially if you get six months into the year and want to give up.
What does it really look like to get into shape? Getting stronger, dropping LBS, eating healthier? There are so many options on what this COULD be, but without a plan it could be a failure.
Making more money a goal? or maybe saving? Both these options probably fall on MANY people's goals each year. And the year after that and the year after that. Without knowing how to do this- maybe a second job, knowing what products make you the most money, asking for referrals- how can someone really accomplish this?
4. Don't let every goal be serious.
Making money, changing jobs, getting in shape and the like could all be important to you for 2020. All are also serious topics and will could require a lot of effort to accomplish them. Be sure to add in some fun goals and resolutions so you can stay engaged! Add in some fun travel, maybe try 10 new foods, talk to 5 new people a week. Anything that can take a little stress out of the serious goals for the year and mix up your focus from time to time.
5. Join us on Dec. 11 at 6:30 pm for our Dream Board 2020 evening. This night can help you with No. 1-4 all at one time. We will be creating VISUAL boards and then SHARING them with others in attendance so all can support each other throughout the year. This family-friendly event puts a FUN spin on your 2020 goals and resolutions. Bring the kids or bring the kid out in you as we search, cut and glue our goals to poster boards for easy reference all year long.
There is a nominal fee- $10 per individual or $20 per family- that can be erased if you bring 4 non-perishable items for us to donate to the West Chester Food Cupboard. Dinner and all supplies are included in the evening. Spots are limited due to the size of our venue so please be sure to RSVP today. To RSVP contact Sarah Waple sarah@growthdynamicsonline.com or 484-880-4544.
Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels