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FREE! Work From Home Assessment

Apr 2, 2020 12:33:05 PM


Working from home. Something that for some of those reading is nothing new, but for others this is a new development of all work being done from home and is a LARGE change. 

While we may not be sitting with each other as much and spending a lot more time typing out messages- communication is still key! And not just communicating, but knowing how you communicate and how to best communicate with those you are working with makes all the difference in the messages you are sending. 

We are thrilled to provide a FREE and QUICK communication and style assessment to help you know what will keep you on track, how to best communicate with others and advice on how to handle running and participating in virtual meetings.

The assessment will take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete and the results will be sent to you immediately. 

If you have questions about your results and what they mean- reach out to us. We are happy to review them with you.