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We Have BIG Updates!

Jan 15, 2025 7:56:13 AM

We've been sitting on a not-so-secret secret and the time has come for us to share with you. 

With the help of our friends at Swope-Lees Commercial Real Estate we were able to find and purchase an office space in West Chester to become the headquarters of Growth Dynamics and invited Simmons Media to become our first floor tenants.

This new location affords us to host our programs, meetings and offer the space for others to use, all in house. With this opportunity to control our space and not need to host classes off-site, we have re-tooled our High-Performance Sales Program from a monthly, full-day program to a new two-hour every other week format. 

Classes start this coming Monday, Jan. 20. Admission will be rolling and students can start at any date and attend until they have all topics covered. 

Full 2025 West Chester Schedule Available Here

We believe this change will allow our materials to be delivered to our students and implemented by our students in a more effective method and give the sales pros everyone is more flexibility in their schedule. 

In addition to our High-Performance Sales Program on Monday mornings, we have added additional bi-weekly Advanced Topics classes on Fridays from 9-11. 

And one final announcement about our new space and class offerings is that we can add in remote students to any class. We will have all of the technology needed to integrate remote students into our live classes. 

Reach out to schedule a visit of our new space at 27 Turner Lane, West Chester and how to enroll in our Monday and/or Friday classes.