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Podcast: If You Feel It, Say It

By Monday Morning Manager on Oct 24, 2022 6:45:00 AM



Jackson felt that lump in his throat and just wanted to scream. Big Shot Bob of ABC Engineering did it again; he promised Jackson he would keep his appointment this time after three cancellations or no shows, but his admin was apologizing for Bob not being available once again. Because ABC was one of the biggest firms in the metropolitan area, Jackson just could not bring himself to share his anger at being stood up once again.

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Podcast: The Load Will Get Too Heavy

By Monday Morning Manager on Oct 17, 2022 6:45:00 AM



Dewey is a prolific prospector. Like the sun rising in the east, you can count on Dewey making more sales calls than anyone on his employer’s sales team. No matter where he goes, Dewey will find someone to talk to about his products and services.

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Fast Tip Friday: Drive-By Disqualify

By Charlie Hauck on Oct 7, 2022 7:00:00 AM



I want to talk about a little sales strategy here and it's something that over the 30 plus years that I've been in this business, is one of the things that sort of annoys me more than anything else that I hear business development people doing out there. They do what I call "drive-by disqualify". They decide that it's not worth it to make that call, to pull into that driveway, to knock on the door, to go ask someone to have a business conversation.

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Podcast: Slow Down

By Monday Morning Manager on Apr 25, 2022 6:45:00 AM




Elizabeth had just gotten the call every sales person hopes for each day. A target account in her territory reached out and asked that she come right away to help them with a big problem. Knowing her technical expertise could be very valuable in this situation, Elizabeth felt sure that winning the project was just a matter of not making a fatal mistake. Her competitive fires were stoked and her confidence at an all-time high as she made the appointment to be there three days later. Despite the repeated requests for her to drop everything else she had going, Elizabeth held firm and kept the date she asked for at the outset of the conversation. She had seen this movie before so this time she was determined to keep her emotions under control and the prospect on a leash instead of rushing head long into another disappointment.

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Podcast: Your Verbal Business Cards

By Monday Morning Manager on Apr 18, 2022 6:45:00 AM



Mary was on one of her first sales calls as a new rep and the prospect, with his first question, invited her straight onto the Buyers Bus: "Tell me about your company and what you do". As is typical, she proceeded to talk about the long and successful history of her company, then described the numerous accounts they had helped, and then went for a strong finish by stating how confident she was that her extensive line of products would find a good fit somewhere within the prospects business needs.

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September 1: 121 Days Until 2022

By Sarah Waple on Sep 1, 2021 12:52:10 PM

While scrolling on Instragram this morning (you can follow Growth Dynamics) I cam across a story that included the information in the headline and a little bit more. My mind was somewhat blown. Was yours as you read it? 

My initial response was to start thinking about ALL I should get done between now and the end of the year. I started to factor in all of the days off my kids have, the vacation days I have, the vacation days and travel days Charlie has and a few other times I know Growth Dynamics won't be working. I immediately became overwhelmed with what I want to accomplish for GD and myself. Truth be told, since the start of covid and all of the changes that have happened with that, I can get overwhelmed easier than before covid times. When I get overwhelmed, my productivity drops. 

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Podcast: 2021 Mid-Year Review

By Monday Morning Manager on Jun 28, 2021 8:48:42 AM



Mark is looking at his schedule and realizing the July 4th holiday is just days away.  Oh, Oh! Is the quarter really almost over? And the year is half over too. The sales reports are bound to follow, and he is determined not to let his performance slip away. Mark has decided it's time to review and get his game plan back on track. 

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Podcast: 2020 Mid-Year Review

By Monday Morning Manager on Jun 29, 2020 6:45:00 AM


Monday Morning Manager


Mark is looking at his schedule and realizing the July 4th holiday is just days away.  Oh, Oh! Is the quarter really almost over? And the year is half over too. The sales reports are bound to follow, and he is determined not to let his performance slip away. Mark has decided it's time to review and get his game plan back on track. 

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Podcast: Mid-Year Review

By Monday Morning Manager on Aug 5, 2019 5:15:00 AM



Monday Morning Manager


Mark is getting back to work after enjoying a summer vacation and is looking at his calendar. Oh, Oh! The quarter is over already? And the year is half over too. The sales reports are bound to follow, and he is determined not to let his performance slip away. Mark has decided it's time to review and get his game plan back on track. 

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How Business Leaders Can Tackle Anxiety in the Workplace, Especially Among the Young

By Sarah Waple on Jun 18, 2019 11:55:00 AM

I, Sarah, came across this article in my account and had to share it. There is so much talk about mental health in our country. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, and at times it feels like it's another way to put a demerit against the youngest generation in the workforce. 

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