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Prevent Burnout Based on Your Communication Style

By TTI on Jun 11, 2020 11:38:05 AM

The last few months have certainly been interesting. Charlie and I have seen ourselves thrive in some aspects, but also face a little burnout in others. We think the same can be said for many of the people we interact with regularly. 

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You Must Be Bigger Than Your Problems

By Charlie Hauck on Mar 7, 2019 8:52:06 AM

Back in January, Sarah Waple and I attended the annual Target Training International Conference. The conference always delivers great application insights for the science of Human Behavior that we incorporate into our programs at Growth Dynamics, and every year the team at TTI invites a key note speaker to address the close to 400 attendees. This year the speaker, Molly Fletcher, a sports agent out of Atlanta graced the stage and delivered a ten-bell message with humor, challenges and personal experience. I thought she was a great presenter with a great message.

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Managing Expectations: Not just a sales tactic!

By Charlie Hauck on Feb 7, 2019 10:19:00 AM

I just read the post below on my LinkedIn feed and thought it was worth sharing with everyone. The excitement of the promotion obviously gets some people too excited to ask, “wait a minute, what your telling me is I get a new business card, more responsibility but no bump in pay?” Sounds awesome doesn’t it? 

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Make Your Annual Goals More Achievable

By Charlie Hauck on Feb 1, 2019 10:59:50 AM

It is hard to believe but we are already one month down in 2019. January is over next week even though it seems like New Year’s Eve was a week ago. Time does fly, particularly if you are in sales. That feeling can be exacerbated when you look at that big sales goal you are facing for this year and you look at how slowly you got out of the gate. Do you get the feeling that you are already too far behind and have no chance to catch up? If so, read on and consider changing your approach to achieving your goals.

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The Definition of a True Partner

By Charlie Hauck on Nov 29, 2018 11:48:26 AM

As I look back over 2018, I find myself thinking of the people I’ve met and done business with this year. All in all, the experience shakes out a very positive. Since it involved people, I can’t say it was perfect, but I will do my best to make 2019 more of the same. Those that have engaged Growth Dynamics to help them grow or at least change brought as much to me as I believe I brought to them. And as a result of that exchange we are all better for the time spent with each other.

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Copier Colin, Pt. 2

By Charlie Hauck on Oct 11, 2018 3:22:38 PM

The last line from Copier Colin Part 1 read, “We bought a copier.”

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Call Reluctance

By Charlie Hauck on Sep 13, 2018 10:03:57 AM

The Silent Sales Killer

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